Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day 27 Queenstown

Today we head back to Queenstown. We only spent a night there on the bike trip and we want to re-visit. It looks like rain today so we go prepared with the proper clothing. We decide to take the long way around instead of crossing the Crown Range and we see new territory along the way..  everywhere in this country is beautiful but it is a little different today. We head to the waterfront in Queenstown.. Mabel had seen a floating cafe there on our earlier visit and it is time for flat whites. We are the only two aboard and we have a nice conversation with the Hostess Betty. After coffee we head up the Tiki Trail from the base of the Skyline gondola to the summit of Bob's Peak. It is a steep climb of about 3 km but it is well marked. We see some Mountain Bikers descending on trails that look much too steep ! At the top we get great views of Queenstown ! We made it down and almost to our car when the skies opened..  just held off perfectly for another great day !

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