Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day 20 Lake Moeraki

Today we cycled to the Wilderness Lodge at Lake Moesaki. We had 3 challenging climbs called the Three Sisters in the first 25 km of the trip but after that it was a mostly easy ride. After yesterday's rain today was sunshine and comfortable cycling temperatures. I thought after our first 3 days of cycling I may be booking an early flight home but we feel much better tonight about our cycling abilities and our fitness level improves daily. We traveled through lush forests with views of the snow covered alps . We passed through Fox Glacier early in the day, the second of the largest visible glaciers in the South Island, Along the way we stopped at Bruce Bay with a beach you would see in the Caribbean with beautiful colored water and crashing waves.  It was such a surprise after cycling all day in the forests. We stopped for lunch at a Salmon Farm.. brought back memories of one of my first student jobs as a watchman at the local salmon pond in my home community. Tonight we are staying on Lake Moeraki at a wonderful Wilderness Lodge. Mabel and I went for a kayak tour up the river into the lake ..  awesome trip. We will have another wonderful meal here tonight and go to sleep listening to the sounds of nature ! In the grassy picture you can see a white heron which is endangered here. We also saw one on our kayak trip but I had forgotten the camera.

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