Monday, March 7, 2016

Day 11 Northern Explorer Train

Today we left Auckland on the Northern Explorer train for Wellington. The passenger train carries some locals but mostly it is filled with tourists looking to catch a glimpse of the geography along the train’s interior route. The train is very comfortable complete with audio commentary, cafĂ© car and an outside viewing car. We pass through very scenic terrain and learn from the commentary about the history of each area we pass through. We pass over mountain ranges and the train is able to negotiate the elevation changes thanks to engineering feats such as the Raurimu Spiral where the train actually going in a complete circle while climbing the hill. We arrive in Auckland around 7pm..  a long day but very interesting and I did not need to worry about sticking to the left side of the road. We decide to walk from the train station to our apartment.. only a short distance but find that we need to climb several steep steps to get up to the street that we will live on. We find out when we check in that there is an elevator in a nearby parking garage that we could have used.. Oh Well ! After settling we head down to the waterfront for supper.. a beautiful harbor front with many restaurants .

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