Sunday, March 13, 2016

Day 17 Hokitika

After a very pleasant night in Arthur's Pass we climb aboard our bikes for our second day heading to Hokitika which is a town right on the beach of the west coast. After a 4 km climb to the summit of Arthur's Pass and a very step descent we head across mostly downhills and rolling hills to a lunch break in Kumara. Mabel had run into my rear wheel and fell off her bike onto the road but other then a cut knee she seemed ok... a tough girl ! She decides that 70 km is enough for her today so she elects to ride the van the last 30 km to Hokitika. I ride with one of the leaders taking turns drafting so we make good time to the Beach Front Hotel. Mabel has already checked in and she has one of the local craft beers waiting for me. Another great day !

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